We're Josh & Diana Sankey {family of 9}, in love and married for 10 years, and have been foster parents for the last 4 years. Throughout that time we have had 10 foster placement blessings be apart of our family at different times and a total of 4 adoptions.
Our children are: Jayda {age 18}, Emry {age 7}, Israel {age 5}, Irie {age 4}, Joy {age 3}, Elijah {age 1} & Ellson {age 2 month}! Our children each have their own unique story of how God has saved them, rescued them and how we became blessed to be their mom & dad! Part adopted through foster care and part biologically born to us- but the kids know there's no difference.
We love Jesus, and DIVE head first, whole heartedly into whatever crazy thing God wants to do with us next! We homeschool the little ones and Jayda is heading off to college in August. We became 'those people we swore we'd never be' and bought an awesome 12 passenger van!
We have such a passion for Foster Care & Adoption, and how the Gospel is shown through it. We have a longing to equip other couples/families to become foster parents because we see SUCH a huge need in the state of Iowa. We want nothing more than to use our story- to give God the Glory!!
#sankeyfamily #storyhopechange