Let’s take a look at the distinct traits that render a child susceptible to being singled out by a narcissistic parent, bearing the burden of familial blame.
Despite often being the pillar of strength, these individuals are unjustly held accountable for the family's shortcomings. Let’s dive deep into the psychology of the narcissist and learn about the complexities of this toxic dynamic.
Learn more about the experiences of narcissistic abuse survivors and how and why it’s not your fault by checking out my FREE eBook, "Surviving Narcissistic Abuse as the Scapegoat"
👉 https://lp.jreidtherapy.com/optin?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Video&utm_campaign=Youtube-Description&utm_content=The_scapegoated_child_in_the_narcissistic_family
You can also sign up for my webinar, 7 Self-Care Tools for Scapegoat Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse, to learn how to prioritize your own needs while protecting yourself from manipulative tactics 👉 https://lp.jreidtherapy.com/webinar-register-page?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Video&utm_campaign=Youtube-Description&utm_content=The_scapegoated_child_in_the_narcissistic_family
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