アインシュタインがノーベル賞を受賞した『光』にまつわる実験を紹介! 電気をためた検電器に太陽の光をあてると、器具が反応。しかし、LEDライトでは反応しません。光の違いは何なのか? アインシュタインが解明した光の秘密を解き明かします。
We're going to perform an experiment on light, which is a topic that Einstein studied and won a Nobel Prize for! When an electroscope that has electricity stored in it is exposed to sunlight, it shows a reaction. However, it doesn't react to an LED light. What is the difference between these two lights? We're going to uncover the secret behind light that Einstein discovered.
*If you change your Google account language settings to English, the dialogue in the program will be displayed in English.
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