The Secret Part 1 | Legend Tom Watson
Tom Watson gives us the Secret to his swing and many other Hall of fame golfers like Sam Snead.
When I was at Harbor Town Golf Links in 1994 after a particularly poor practice round hitting the ball out to right field all the time. I went to the practice tee and I said you know what, I'm sick and tired of hitting the ball out to right field. Back in those days I was still swinging the golf club with the reverse C position stuck behind me and I had to flip it at at impact causing all sorts of problems. I thought about Corey Pavin at that time. I said you know the way Corey Pavin makes his practice swing is he takes the club back and then he comes right over the top like this in his practice swing. I wanted to get the club to go left after impact, so how do I do that? Corey pavin practice swing came to mind so I took a three iron out and I made a swing with where I felt my right shoulder was like this at impact. I started investigating in my mind why that was happening. What I was doing prior to making a change was this. I was taking the club back and watch my shoulder plane right here with this rod over my shoulders. What Corey Pavin practice swing caused me to do and did make me do was this it got me to go back on the plane like this but come through on the same plane like this go back like this and come true in the the club stays on the same plane like that. keep your head straight up like this and then rotate your shoulder so the the club or if you have a ride like this stays parallel to the ground on your backswing like this now make the same rotation and try to mirror that on your forward swing like that now like this and her spine angle is very very critical here our spine angle should remain the same in the golf swing but we still turn our shoulders perpendicular to the spine angle this way and then back into the ball that way boom my shoulders stay on that on that plane like that and that keeps your head down that doesn't allow your head to Bob up that also makes you turn around the base of your neck there and there now lets try it with a three iron.
One of the things I use when I'm trying to teach the spine angle secret is a white coat hanger. Very simple, you just bend it up. You make a little hole at the top of it there stick it in the ground then position it so that you're looking through the hole at the golf ball when you make your backswing that ball should be still in the hole like that when you're making in the downswing it should be still in the whole like that what's that do it helps promote you turning your shoulders perpendicular to your spine and around and through on the same plane Sam Sneed was a perfect example keep his head dead still turning around the base of his neck or is his spine perpendicular to his spine now let's try to hit this ball.