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Do you document your wiring projects? It's not as complicated as you might think.
Wiring documentation is often overlooked, but it is as important as the physical work we undertake on our wiring harnesses. From the immediate benefits of being organised and less likely to overlook anything in your project to the future use for any troubleshooting component issues or damage, it is worth your time.
In this lesson, we will look at a basic documentation process using simple drawings and a spreadsheet. While there are many software packages out there used for this ranging from free to. cheap subscriptions up to thousands of dollars a year, we believe in keeping it simple for our one-off custom harness documentation and highly recommend you do the same first time around for simplicity. Note, the likes of Google Sheets is free.
We're using a V8 engine swap project for this example, running a MoTeC M170 ECU, which is just 1 of over 40 modules in the Professional Practical Harness Construction Course offered by the High Performance Academy. Hit the link above to find it in the wiring section of the HPA website, and enrol now for instant access.
0:00 - Wiring Documentation
0:30 - Basic Spreadsheet Documentation
2:00 - Bulkhead Connector
3:46 - M170 ECU Pin Out
4:40 - Further Elements
5:46 - Connector Considerations
7:06 - Bulkhead Splices & Wiring
12:17 - 1 Of Over 40 Lessons
🏎 Want to learn how to EFI an aftermarket ECU like a MoTeC, Haltech, Link, AEM, Syvecs, EMtrom, Maxx, Ecumaster, MegaSquirt, Arduino, MicroSquirt, Holley, FuelTech, ME or something else completely different? Start with some free lessons right here: https://hpcdmy.co/EFI101y
💻Start learning how to reflash tune your stock ECU using platforms like HP Tuners, EcuTek, COBB, EFILive, Hondata, ECUFlash, Romraider, WinOLS and more! Sign up for the next free lesson now: https://hpcdmy.co/hptly
⚠️ Want to learn more about motorsport wiring? Claim your spot to the next FREE lesson: https://hpcdmy.co/wiringlessonyt
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🛻 Learn more about performance diesel engine tuning. Start instantly with 4 free lessons: https://hpcdmy.co/essential-diesel-knowledge
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