I know Nespresso is a divisive subject, but I think there's some interesting stuff going on for those of us who like to nerd out about coffee sometimes.
This is the last video of 2023 from me, and I hope you enjoy it and had some fun!
Need more? There's a second channel now! @JamesHoffmannBonus
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jameshoffmann
Limited Edition Merch: https://geni.us/TensHundredsThousands
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimseven
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jimseven
My Books:
How to Make The Best Coffee At Home*: https://geni.us/howtomakethebestcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee*: http://geni.us/atlasofcoffee
The World Atlas of Coffee Audiobook*: https://bit.ly/worldatlasofcoffeeaudio
The Best of Jimseven: https://geni.us/bestofjimseven
Things I use and like:
My glasses: http://bit.ly/boldlondon
My hair product of choice*: https://geni.us/forthehair
(*Affiliate links which may earn us a commission)