Let's see how Sega's two 32-bit platforms compare!
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Opening "Sega" jingle is from Astal for the Sega Saturn.
Ending Music during the credits is from Batman for the Sega Genesis.
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By: Jan Neves
YouTube Page - https://www.youtube.com/user/Jan3d
Intro by Evan S.
Episode Notes:
1. Game captured on real hardware.
2. Many of the 32X's games were on 24 and 32 megabit carts. At that time, that usually meant a higher price tag.
3. The 32X library was small enough that I pretty much played everything as it was released.
4. I owned a Saturn and 32X together for a while. Once it was clear the 32X was doomed, I dropped it and sold what I had.
5. I always wondered what a 32X version of Outrunners, Alien 3, and Revenge of Death Adder could have done for the systems sales. I mean Sega had the games in theory to support it. We just never got them.