Welcome back Craig Jones and Nicky Ryan as they grant NickyRod with his black belt!
Nicky Rod, widely known as the Black Belt Slayer, hail’s from New Jersey, the land of pizza & biceps. He is a two time ADCC silver medalist, an EBI absolute world champion, as well as the world's most beautiful grappler.
Nicky Rods Instructionals:
Ethan Crelinsten, clearly the most intelligent and most good looking of the the three Simple Men, is a two time ADCC trials winner, as well as placing 1st in thousands of other tournaments. His grappling prowess goes far beyond what Nicky rod and Damien hope to acquire. As you listen to the podcast, pay most attention to Ethan as he will most likely be saying the coolest shit.
Ethan Crelinstens Instructionals:
Damien Anderson is an ADCC Trials Bronze Medalist with multiple wins over multiple black belt world champions. Currently ranked 8th in the world at 145lbs and 9th at 155lbs. Also has ownership rights of Ethan Crelinsten
Damien Andersons Instructionals:
Nicky Rod, Damien Anderson & Ethan Crelinsten are based in Austin, Texas and roll daily at B-Team Jiu Jitsu.
Produced by:
https://www.instagram.com/jimnotjimmy/ (personal page)
https://www.instagram.com/jim_shoots_things/ (prod. page)
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0:00 INTRO (Welcome Craig Jones & Nicky Ryan)
0:45 Whats wrong with Demon Hands?
1:14 Craig is the real Natty King?
1:51 Can JayRod Beat Craig yet?
3:10 Craig Jones hated Puerto Rico
4:52 Has Craig been arrested?
5:43 Craig on bully's and nick names
8:20 Nicky Rod gets his black belt! (and a gun)
12:10 Whats up with Nicholas Meregali?!
14:40 Nicky Rod vs Gordan Ryan 3?
16:00 Craig Doing ADCC 2024?
19:25 Nicky Ryans last fight
23:30 Would Craig fight Nicholas Meregali?
25:55 Would Craig do a MMA fight? ( Damien vs Craig)
30:00 ADCC 2024 & Craigs going to ADCC 4 times.
36:30 Sponsors
37:09 Does Craig have emotions? and Craig on travailing?
40:30 Does Craig study footage?
42:32 Having a routine?
45:05 Does NickyRod pull guard?
45:45 Where is Craig going now?
47:10 Whats next for JayRod?
48:10 Nicky Rod on him "greasing"
49:20 Seminars Suck?
51:15 How many black belts under B Team?
52:20 Russian Roulette drinking game
53:10 Craigs favorite Drugs
55:25 Nicky Rod getting his black belt was a long time coming
56:25 Voting?
57:30 Go Israel !
58:34 Open and carry?
59:05 Who is more athletic? Nick Ryan or Craig Jones?
1:15:25 Outro