If you want more help to navigate or embrace your Spiritual Awakening with personal mentorship and a supportive community: https://awakenwithra.com
This really is the simplest and most profound technique for spiritual awakening, self-realization, and enlightenment. This technique, is so basic that it hardly qualifies as a technique at all.
Join me as I guide you through each of these 3 steps to help you break free from the ego mind and discover your true nature. Learn how you can ground you in the present moment and integrate your awakening. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a beginner to the journey of self-discovery, this method is designed to be practical and life-changing. Thank you for watching. Namaste!
Dear Awakening Soul, I am Ra Netjer, a Spiritual Awakening Mentor. After having a disruptive spiritual awakening and navigating my own Dark Night of the Soul to find my Enlightenment, I have dedicated my life to support other Awakening Souls through their often confusing journeys of self-discovery towards self-realization.