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阿树Atlas Explore China 523,589 2 months ago
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黑龙江是中国和俄罗斯的界江。在2024年冬季,当东北的黑龙江省,千里雪飘万里冰封之际,我沿着黑龙江(河流),一路北上,走访中国一侧沿岸的城市、县城、乡村,了解中俄边境地带的风土人情,和边民的生活!其中最令我难忘的,是探访中俄边境线上、距离俄罗斯的波亚尔科沃,仅几百米的中国边疆村,它被称为”俄罗斯族第一村“。二战后,一些苏联寡妇,越过中俄界江,来到中国边境乡村,与汉族人组成家庭,形成了今天约300人的边境乡村,其中约50%中国的俄罗斯族(俄罗斯人后代),欢迎跟着我的镜头,开始这次奇妙的边境乡村之旅! Heilongjiang is the border river between China and Russia. In the winter of 2024, as China's Heilongjiang Province was blanketed in snow and frozen for miles, I traveled north along the Heilongjiang River, visiting cities, counties, and villages on the Chinese side to explore the customs and daily lives of the people living along the China-Russia border. One of the most unforgettable moments of my journey was visiting a remote Chinese border village located just a few hundred meters from Boyarkovo, Russia. This village is known as the "First Russian Ethnic Village in China." After World War II, some Soviet widows crossed the China-Russia border river and settled in Chinese frontier villages, forming families with Han Chinese men. Over time, this unique community took shape, and today, it consists of about 300 residents, with around 50% being Russian ethnic Chinese (descendants of Russian settlers). I am the first content creator to film inside this village, and I invite you to join me on this fascinating journey to explore the hidden life of this extraordinary borderland settlement! 【阿樹闖東北】第一季 【阿樹走進100個鄉村】 【雲南篇合集】 【四川篇合集】 【新疆篇合集】 【湖南篇合集】 【貴州篇合集】 我的設備Gear: 主力相機:松下Lumix DC-S5 鏡頭:24—105 F4 無人機:Dji mini3 Pro 運動相機:Dji Pocket3 、 全景相機:Insta360 X4 歡迎加入我的會員,解鎖更多阿樹的旅行筆記、圖片、花絮等 #Chinatravel #China #Travel #Documentary #Chinese #中國 #旅遊 #鄉村 #边境 #俄罗斯 #中俄边境 #黑龙江 #黑河市 #东北 #边疆村 #border
