Spirit, A Biography in Academics
Spirit entered the world as an egg lovingly placed by her mother Jackie in January 2022. She was hatched under the watchful eye of her father, Shadow, in the afternoon of March 3rd 2022.
She attended Hatchling Nursery School where she excelled in wingercizing, jumping, nest jogging, side-stepping and crop filling.
Upon graduation from Hatchling Nursery School, Spirit began her first day at Squee Elementary where she learned the art of front porch branching. Once there, she aspired to attain the High Perch Award of Excellence which she won due to her ability to accomplish wing flapping, hovers and pin-point returns to the perch.
On May 31st 2022, at the young age of 88-1/2 days, Spirit began her first day at Fledgling Middle School where she enrolled in courses of Tree-Hopping, Voice Development and Parent with Prey Chasing. Again, Spirit excelled and received high honors in mantling and ankle grabbing. Her teachers noted that in her Voice Development classes Spirit stood above all others in squee confidence and clarity in both her squees and her calls.
Spirit is now attending Juvie High School where she will improve her tree limb prey grasping, flying over water fish detection and kleptoparasitism.
Spirit’s plans for the future include applying for and attending Sub-Adult University in the fall of 2023 to obtain an Associate Degree in stick and fluff gathering and Master’s Degree in Bald Eagle Development and Survival.
After graduation from the University, Spirit’s career plans include becoming a Professor of Raptor Education in Pair Bonding and Brood rearing with specialties in nest building and wonky stick arrangement. (c)not mine
Big Bear Eagle Nest History➡ https://friendsofbigbearvalley.org/eagles/eagle-history/
Quick Reference Guide➡ https://friendsofbigbearvalley.org/eagles/reference-guide/
Video courtesy of @FOBBVCAM :
FOBBV is an environmental advocacy group dedicated to protecting & preserving Big Bear Valley. Learn more on how you can help➡https://friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
Music: Led Zeppelin - Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You