Finally, another hour long video of rambling about the story of a Sonic game. I forgot how much of a pain these videos are to make.
And this is with me cutting out a whole bit talking about how Mania's ending doesn't really connect with Forces because Classic Sonic gets sucked into the portal with the Phantom Ruby, which is not present in Forces. But then it's back at the start of Encore mode. It really seems like the more sensible order of events is Mania leads right into Encore mode. And Forces is a totally unrelated event that leads into Mania Adventures. But I think we all know the real answer to how that mess happened.
So after all this time, do people want to see Infinite again? I would because as I say, I think he could have worked with some tweaking. If he was well handled here, I'd be fine with him as a one-off. But considering how they keep worthless characters like Zavok around, Infinite deserves another chance.
I also like his design. A black and white character wearing a mask with few features. Surprising that I like it, I know.