The Strongest Heavy-Lifting Machines: Self-Propelled Modular Transporters | FD Engineering
Inside Liebherr - Creating the Largest Mobile Cranes in the World:
Heavy-duty self-propelled vehicles are considered marvels of transportation. The engines of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMTs) boast over 500 horsepower, and their agile chassis features eight wheels per axle line. This design allows them to move not only forward and backward but also sideways and diagonally, offering exceptional maneuverability. Whether tackling steep inclines, sharp descents, or challenging terrain, these vehicles excel as true off-road specialists. Equipped with "Powered Hydrostatic Driven Tractor Modules" (PST), they can transport loads weighing up to seven times their own weight. These machines are deployed in situations where conventional transport systems fail, making them indispensable for some of the most demanding logistical challenges. Their robust design and unparalleled versatility make them critical tools in industries requiring the movement of exceptionally heavy and complex cargo.
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