I'm mean to myself more than I'd like, and maybe you are too. It's okay to screw up, though. It makes us all better people.
These are my thoughts on failure, and why it is okay.
Also, I swear I dust all my kits before shooting. 4K really captures everything oh geez...
Like what you see? Consider supporting the channel on Patreon! Any Patreon support goes directly to my video budgets - not personal kits.
Pick up some of your own bad gunpla over at JoJoHobbyNStuff.com. Get 10% off your order (plus flat rate shipping) when you use the code BADGUNPLA10 at checkout! A portion of the proceeds also goes towards giveaways to be featured on this channel and on Streamgunpla!
Catch Streamgunpla on twitch.tv/badgunpla
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