Squid games is a good watch, but let me do you one better: Alice in borderland. Season 3 is coming!
0:00 - Intro
3:38 - THE GAMES
6:18 - The beginning
9:59 - 3 of clubs
16:57 - 5 of spades
23:17 - 7 of hearts
36:38 - 4 of clubs
40:14 - What's Beach?
43:31 - 4 of diamonds
53:40 - 10 of hearts
1:04:01 - beginning of the end
1:07:10 - Season 2
1:10:42 - 7 of spades
1:15:39 - Face cards
1:17:30 - THE LAST GAME
1:29:06 - The ending
1:30:47 - Commentary
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