The Top Secret Pros Use to Hit Buzzer Beaters | Basketball Shooting Tutorial
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In today's video, I give you 3 Pro level shooting drills to help you master the Top Secret Pros Use to Hit Buzzer Beaters! This is a secret that we see come up time and time again when an NBA star hits a game winner. This one mechanic can be the difference in a shot going in or just missing the shot short. This mechanics is super easy to implement for players at every level. By implementing these tips and drills into your game you can almost immediately skyrocket your shooting percentage!
My first drill when we are talking about mastering the leg drift is 180 shooting this will really for the shooter to get his or her hips around by using the leg drift as a counterbalance. This shooting drill is also really great for practicing getting your eyes on the rim as soon as possible. Make sure you go hard on these reps, going game speed during drills is hugely important if you want these tips and techniques to translate to real games!
My second shooting drill is elbow shooting this is a drill to help your body get used to shooting with a leg drift. So by getting your reps in at a closer range, it can really help you get dialed in so you can start to utilize the leg drift from beyond the three-point line.
My last shooting drills is arc run shooting! This drill is great for a number of reasons not only are we working on our conditioning, but we are also going game speed which always translates. Make sure you are going hard and really pushing yourself to get the leg drift dialed in. This could literally be the difference between you hitting a buzzer beater or missing one.
As always make sure you are paying close attention to these basketball scoring tips so when the time comes you can really expand your game to the next level! Watch the video all the way through and implement these scoring tips into your game today!
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"Basketball Shooting Drills" "How to Shoot a Basketball" "Basketball Shooting Tips" "Perfect Basketball Shooting Form" "Shooting For Beginners" "Basketball Shooting Tips" "Basketball Shooting Form" "Basketball Drills" "Basketball Training Tips" "Basketball Buzzer Beaters"
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