Kanye West is inarguably the most significant hip-hop artist of the last 20 years, if not the best and most impactful artist in any genre over that time period. Within that time, Kanye created a legacy and fanbase unlike the music world had ever seen. In this final part of my analysis of his work, I look at the second half of Kanye's career aka "New Kanye" where he reinvents not just himself but also the genre of hip hop as a whole and what it means to be a rap artist... for better and for worse. I also examine where this journey has left his fanbase and what to think about going forward as this story isn't quite over.
Thank you to all my Patrons who helped this happen
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Shout out to these channels for research help
Soulr- https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulrCo
Rythmic Reason- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmzRMCx1VDE9LY0H8-ILYQ
beat- Analouge by SINY
3:20 Review of important wrestling terminology
7:12 Welcome to Heartbreak
23:00 Kanye Turns Face Again!
33:09 Blood on the Leaves
48:20 Next Level Heel Work
1:02:43 Final Thoughts