Whispers have been heard... Rumors have wandered the mysterious plane known as "The Internet"... And finally we know. The Traveler has been unmasked!
Catch Critical Role & Talks Machina here:
❱ https://www.twitch.tv/criticalrole
❱ https://critrole.com/
❱ Matthew Mercer: https://twitter.com/matthewmercer
❱ Ashley Johnson: https://twitter.com/TheVulcanSalute
❱ Marisha Ray: https://twitter.com/marisha_ray
❱ Laura Bailey: https://twitter.com/laurabaileyvo
❱ Liam O'Brien: https://twitter.com/VoiceOfOBrien
❱ Sam Riegel: https://twitter.com/samriegel
❱ Travis Willingham: https://twitter.com/willingblam
❱ Taliesin Jaffe: https://twitter.com/executivegoth
☕ COFFEE IS THE LIFEBLOOD OF THE NERD! If you think I deserve a cup or two now and again, you can make that happen here:
🎵 Outro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTSSGXRJbYY
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"CRH" is unofficial and not affiliated with Geek And Sundry or Critical Role.
Description below was largely stolen from awesome Jester's Sketchbook: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMyc5iaAg7_0fHlDznrA-ww
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