I'm Andres Acevedo and this is The Market Exit. During the migration crisis of 2015, the small country of Sweden admitted a very large number of refugees. What effects did this surge of migrants to Swedish have on the Swedish economy? To find out, I met professor Peo Hansen, author of the book "A Modern Migration Theory" and from our conversation, I realized that many of the economic models we use for assessing our economy and society are deeply flawed.
In the conversation, we talk about the field of research called the fiscal impact of migration. We talk about the difference between real resources and financial resources. We talk about the so-called brain drain within the European Union. We talk about why politicians are so afraid of speaking the truth about migration.
? Timestamps:
00:00 Introduction
02:55 Chapter 1: A Weird Science: The Fiscal Impact of Migration
06:57 Chapter 2: The Map Is Not The Territory: Real vs Financial Resources
10:38 Chapter 3: The real constraints on migration
13:42 Conclusion – Why is nobody telling the truth?
14:41 Thank you
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#migration #immigration #refugees