Why do we as women feel so much pressure to be beautiful, and why is the standard of what is considered “beautiful” so incredibly specific and narrow? Here’s a look at the history of the beauty myth.
Additional Reading:
More Than a Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not an Ornament by Lexie Kite and Lindsay Kite
The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Wolf
Advertising the American Dream by Roland Marchand
Archival Footage sourced from Prelinger Archives
How did patriarchy begin? We made a video about that. — check it out: https://youtu.be/LAqVPlS1Q-s?si=lvfvxh6OGhokvh59
We made a video about the laws of coverture: marriage laws that trapped women
We made a video explaining everything you need to know about TRADWIVES.
Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zHfHEEtaUk&t=623s&ab_channel=BreakingDownPatriarchy
Amy McPhie Allebest is a scholar, historian, writer, and independent podcast host. Allebest began the Breaking Down Patriarchy project during her master’s degree at Stanford University in 2020. Her studies there served as the catalyst for the project and podcast. In addition to the project, Allebest is best known for her viral 2016 Medium article titled “Dear Mormon Man, Tell Me What You Would Do.”
The Breaking Down Patriarchy project uses essential historical texts to better understand the origins of patriarchy and to deconstruct its unjust effects on our minds, relationships, and communities. The project envisions a world in which all human beings are able to flourish and reach their unique potential. We strive to include as many voices as possible, and our work is intersectional and inclusive. We are also firmly committed to the well-being of boys and men, and we enthusiastically and gratefully enlist the help of our non-female allies in creating an egalitarian world where everyone can thrive.
- Where To Find Us -
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bdownpatriarchy/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breakingdownpatriarchy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BreakingDownPatriarchy
Podcast: @BreakingDownPatriarchyPodcast & Where you listen to podcasts.
Website: https://breakingdownpatriarchy.com/
Starring Amy McPhie Allebest
Featuring Lexie Kite @beauty_redefined
Written by Celeste Davis
Videographer and Editor: Ralph Blair