Hey hey! As we wind down 2024 it's important to reflect to then prepare for the next year. My faith is always my number 1 priority and over the years I have accumulated a quite a few Bibles. In this video I share those Bible, a bit of their history, as well as some other resources I use to grow and maintain my relationship with God.
Bible #1 https://go.magik.ly/ml/27g6x/
Bible #2 https://go.magik.ly/ml/27g6z/
Bible #3 https://go.magik.ly/ml/27g70/
Bible #4 https://go.magik.ly/ml/27g71/
Bible #5 https://go.magik.ly/ml/27g72/
Resource #1 https://go.magik.ly/ml/27g73/
Resource #2 No link :(
Resource #3 https://go.magik.ly/ml/27g74/
Resource #4 https://www.perspectiveplanner.com/product/what-lies-underneath-bible-verse-mapping-journal/