Everything you need to know to successfully identify birds in your backyard, if you live in the United States.
Learn bird songs and calls: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflNUezclylCuJrSsjyMCqh1faHa9KH_D&si=7Pff_VT3o-Ue5Mk6
More ID Tips:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLflNUezclylCft0C10gPPVukRmPX2VUeo&si=Z9RWnQSYKHG5z9Tj
Special thanks to our members Liz McQuaid, Sarah Coffey, Barbara Cole, Chris Slagle, Sally, and Sarah! You can support us on Ko-fi here! https://ko-fi.com/badgerlandbirding
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Panasonic LUMIX FZ80 4K Digital Camera
Used for most bird videos) - check credits as we do source some photos/videos elsewhere which is noted in the description
Cayer FP2450 Fluid Head Tripod, 75 inches Aluminium Tripod
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Bird photos on slides not by Derek or Ryan Sallmann are credited on the slide itself. Others listed below.
All songs and calls by Jonathon Jongsma via Xeno Canto and used under CC 4.0 license except Northern Mockingbird by Steve (XC884705), Hermit Thrush (Doug Hynes - XC715748), Mallard and Pigeon (Marie-Lan Taÿ Pamart - XC518422 and XC541143) and second Northern Cardinal song by Derek Sallmann. All photos by Ryan Sallmann except for those listed below.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Photo by Andy Bridges (Public Domain, edited)
Evening Grosbeak Photo by Jacob W. Frank (Public Domain, edited)
Red Crossbill Photo by US. Forest Service - PNW region (Public Domain, edited)
American Crow Photo by Alan Schmierer (Public Domain, edited)
Euoprean Starling , Pine Siskin, Tufted Titmouse Photos by N. Lewis (Public Domain, edited)
Cedar Waxwing Photo by William Powell (Public Domain, edited)
Purple Finch song by Brad Bumgardner (used with permission) Photo by N. Lewis (Public Domain)
Great Horned Owl vocalization by Michael and Katie LaTour CC by 4.0, edited
Carolina Wren and Barred Owl by Matthias Sirch CC by 4.0, edited
Golden-crowned Sparrow and Woodhouse's Scrub Jay vocalizations by Nathan Pieplow (used with permission)
Varied Thrush song by Shawneen Finnegan (Used with permission)
Anna's Hummingbird song by Jonathon Jongmsa and Bushman(CC by 4.0, edited)
Bushman (call) XC153035
Black-headed Grosbeak photo by Abbeyprivate (public domain, edited)
Yellow-rumped Warbler Photo by Lorri Howski (Used with permission)
Hairy Woodpecker in flight photo by stephen boisvert (CC by 2.0)
Eurasian Collared Dove photo by Photo by hedera.baltica (CC by 2.0)
Solo Pigeon Photo by Wildlife Terry (Public Domain)
Oregon Dark-eyed Junco by Becky Matsubara (CC by 2.0)
Pileated Woodpecker damage by Dismas (CC by 4.0)
Common Nighthawk image by Jacob W. Frank (Public Domain)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Photo by Courtney Celley (Public Domain)
Red-eyed Vireo Photo by Bill Thompson (Public Domain)
Warbling Vireo Photo by Caleb Putnam (Public Domain)
Great Crested Flycatcher and Wood-pewee Photo by Grayson Smith/USFWS (Public Domain)
Baltimore Oriole Photo by Alan Schmierer (Public Domain)
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher Photo by N. Lewis (Public Domain, edited)
Chimney Swift Photo by Jeff&Amy (Public Domain, edited)
Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula, American Redstart, and Yellow Warbler
Photo by Lorri Howski (Used with permission)
Indigo Bunting Photo by N. Lewis (Public Domain, edited)
Harris's Sparrow image by Tom Koerner (Public Domain, edited)
James Cridland (CC by 2.0) Multiple Pigeons photo
Shawn Taylor Winter Wren Video (CC by 2.0)
Screech Owl Whinny by Nathan Pieplow (Used with permission) - https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/454392821
Eastern Whip image by Susan Young (Public Domain)
Great Horned Owl Video by Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren (CC by 2.0)
Licenses for photographs credits on screen if not already noted
Logan Ward (CC by 2.0, edited)
Vidyasagar Duvvuru Public Domain
Alan Schmierer (Public Domain)
Tom Koerner (Public Domain)
Birds in cover image and Spring birds slide by N. Lewis (Public Domain, edited)
CC by 4.0 license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
CC by 2.0 license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
All other photos and videos by Derek and Ryan Sallmann
0:00 Intro
2:17 Sparrow
6:19 Chickadees and Titmice
8:10 Nuthatches and Treecreepers
9:32 Wrens and Gnatcatchers
11:16 Thrushes and Mimids
14:07 Warblers
16:54 Vireos
17:41 Finches
20:47 Woodpeckers
24:03 Doves and Pigeons
26:13 Owls
27:56 Hawks
29:38 Blackbirds and Orioles
32:26 Hummingbirds
33:58 Corvids
35:52 Waxwings
36:31 Flycatchers
38:07 Buntings and Grosbeaks
40:18 Tanagers
41:10 Swallows and Swifts
42:41 Kinglets
43:38 Starlings
44:32 Cuckoos
44:58 Nightjars
45:48 Waterfowl and Shorebirds
47:12 Final Thoughts
#Birding #BirdWatching #BadgerlandBirding