The ultimate duck and waterfowl shotshell review! Apex, Boss, and Migra. Who will win??
We spent over $1500.00 to test the best duck shells on the market!
0:00 - Intro
0:17 - Test gun and setup
5:30 - Water test ( 2hrs in water)
8:00 - Apex #3 & #8 TSS
9:23 - Apex #4 & 7 1/2 TSS
10:19 - Apex steel #3
11:30 - Apex steel #2
12:26 - Apex BB & 7 1/2 TSS
13:10 - Apex #2 & 7 1/2 TSS
13:41 - Apex 7 1/2 TSS
14:45 - Apex 8 TSS
15:27 - Boss 3/5 unmuzzled
16:16 - Boss #3 unmuzzled
16:59 - Boss #4 unmuzzled
17:38 - Boss #2 unmuzzled
18:27 - Boss 3/5 warchief
19:19 - Boss #3 warchief
20:01 - Boss #4 warchief
20:29 - Boss #2 warchief
21:04 - Boss steel reserve #3
21:55 - Boss steel reserve #1
22:35 - Migra 4/6 steel/bismuth
23:23 - Migra 2/BB steel
24:03 - Migra 2/4 steel
24:46 - Migra 1/3 steel
25:34 - Water test (All shells submerged for 2hrs)
31:33 - Target review with test gun and MOD choke
39:22 - Shot with Xfull goose choke
40:12 - Target review with test gun and MOD choke
42:00 - Target review with Xfull goose choke
43:22 - TSS #8 with Xfull choke (crazy)
44:10 - Conclusion