The Ultimate Guide To 60s Horror Sci-Fi Films!
Dive into the world of 60s horror sci-fi with The Ultimate Guide To 60s Horror Sci-Fi Films! Discover the most iconic and terrifying movies from the golden era of sci-fi, where fear meets futuristic fantasy. From alien invasions to monstrous experiments, this guide has it all. Don't miss out on the classics that shaped the genre!
#60sHorror #SciFiFilms #HorrorMovies #VintageSciFi #ClassicHorror #CultMovies #RetroMovies #60sCinema #HorrorFan #SciFiLovers
0:00 - Intro
0:32- Village of the damned
1:29- The last man on the earth
2:28- The Day of the triffids
3:32- Quatermass and the pit
4:33- Planet of the vampires
5:31- First Men in the moon
6:34- Robinson Crusoe on Mars
7:46- The day the earth caught fire
8:52- The earth dies screaming
9:50- The creation of the humanoid
11:05- Crack in the world
12:08- The Andromeda strain
13:12- X the man with the x-ray eyes
14:12- Horror hotel
15:07- The underwater city
16:23- Children of the damned
17:25- The power
18:26- The mind Benders
19:32- Cyborg 2087
20:37- Die monster die
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