Full written recipe 詳细完整文字食譜 : http://www.ricebowltales.com/2023/11/the-ultimate-vegan-braised-beef-noodles.html
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Homemade Delicious Braised Gluten Puffs
自家製紅燒烤麵筋泡芙的視頻連結 :
( for the Chinese translation please scroll down
The Ultimate Vegan Braised Beef Noodles
( serves 4 )
** Ingredients:
1 batch (18 pieces) vegan baked puffs (link to the recipe is in the description box)
1 medium size Chinese white radish (about 500 -650g)
1 pack bak choy
2-4 king oyster mushrooms
250g fresh shiitake mushrooms
300g dried ramen noodles
1 red chilli
Large bunch coriander
**For the braising sauce:
1-2 thumb sized piece of ginger
2 star anise
2 red chilli
½ tsp salt
½ tsp ground white pepper
½ tsp natural mushroom seasoning
½ tsp five spice powder
2 tbsp Shaoxing or cooking wine
20-25g brown sugar
2 tbsp vegan oyster sauce
1 tsp light soy sauce
3 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp Chu Hou paste (can be replaced with miso)
1000ml water
(If using miso instead of the Chu Hou paste, the seasoning needs to be adjusted slightly).
** For the noodle broth:
4 slice ginger
2 tbsp vegan oyster sauce
1 tbsp Shaoxing wine or white wine
1 tsp salt
½ tsp ground white pepper
⅛ tsp five spice powder
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp natural mushroom seasoning
2000 ml water
** 材料:
( 4 人份 )
烤麵筋泡芙 1 份(18 塊)(食譜連結在說明框中)
中等大小的白蘿蔔 1 個(約 500 - 650g)
白菜 1 包
杏鮑菇 2 - 4 個
新鮮香菇 250g
乾拉麵 300g
紅辣椒 1 支
香菜 1 大束
** 紅燒醬汁調味料:
薑 1-2 塊,拇指大小
八角 2 個
紅辣椒 2 支
鹽 ½ 小匙
白胡椒粉 ½ 小匙
天然蘑菇調味料 ½ 小匙
五香粉 ½ 小匙
紹興酒或料酒 2 大匙
紅糖 20-25g
素蠔油 2 大匙
生抽 1 小匙
黑醬油 3 大匙
芝麻油 1 大匙
2 湯匙 柱侯醬(可用味噌代替)
水 1000ml
** 麵條湯調味料:
薑 4片
素蠔油 2 大匙
紹興酒或白酒 1 大匙
鹽 1 小匙
白胡椒粉 ½ 小匙
五香粉 ⅛ 小匙
糖 2 小匙
芝麻油 1 大匙
天然蘑菇調味料 1 小匙
水 2000ml