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The ULTIMATE Warframe Tierlist for 2025
This video took me *2 and a half weeks to prepare* and yeah. This was a LOT OF WORK. I do hope you understand where im coming from and ofcourse let me know your opinions in the comments below. REMEMBER BE NICE!
Also please leave a like! Thank you! ❤️
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0:00 - 3:06 Rules
3:06 - 4:19 Ash
4:19 - 5:25 Atlas
5:25 - 6:51 Banshee
6:51 - 8:00 Baruuk
8:00 - 8:49 Caliban
8:49 - 10:00 Chroma
10:00 - 10:55 Citrine
10:55 - 12:02 Breakfast for Warframe
12:02 - 13:17 Cyte 09
13:07 - 14:17 Dagath
14:17 - 15:24 Dante
15:24 - 16:50 Ember
16:50 - 18:05 Equinox
18:05 - 18:53 Excalibur
18:53 - 19:45 Frost
19:45 - 21:19 Gara
21:19 - 22:25 Garuda
22:25 - 23:08 Gauss
23:08 - 24:20 Grendel
24:20 - 25:15 Gyre
25:15 - 26:02 Harrow
26:02 - 26:46 Hildryn
26:46 - 27:58 Hydroid
27:58 - 28:53 Inaros
28:53 - 29:41Ivara
29:41 - 30:13 Jade
30:13 - 31:08 Khora
31:08 - 32:10 Koumei
32:10 - 32:58 Kullervo
32:58 - 33:34 Lavos
33:34 - 34:24 Limbo
34:24 - 35:33 Loki
35:33 - 36:49 Mag
36:49 - 38:00 Mesa
38:00 - 39:45 Mirage
39:45 - 40:56 Nekros
40:56 - 42:00 Nezha
42:00 - 42:54 Nidus
42:54 - 44:24 Nova
44:24 - 45:15 Nyx
45:15 - 45:56 Oberon
45:56 - 46:58 Octavia
46:58 - 48:15 Protea
48:15 - 49:27 Qorvex
49:27 - 50:41 Revenant
50:41 - 52:02 Rhino
52:02 - 53:29 Saryn
53:29 - 55:09 Sevagoth
55:09 - 56:04 Styanax
56:04 - 57:11 Titania
57:11 - 58:03 Trinity
58:03 - 58:42 Valkyr
58:42 - 59:47 Vauban
59:47 - 1:00:39 Volt
1:00:39 - 1:01:30 Voruna
1:01:30 - 1:02:30 Wisp
1:02:30 - 1:03:21 Wukong
1:03:21 - 1:04:04 Xaku
1:04:04 - 1:05:30 Yareli
1:05:30 - 1:06:47 Zephyr
1:06:47 - 1:08:04 Final Thoughts
Thumbnail Background And logo Design By Freyaloi:
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tierlist warframe 2025
tier list warframe
warframe tier list 2025