VIDEO Description:
I found this Nommi collection while browing Kikagoods webpage...compared to other bag accessories that we all know and love, Nommi's eyes are interactive and the plushy are totally bigger than others. Enjoy the video!
Being a mom who personally collect luxury goods and fun unique toys gives this Chanel the ability to provide honest reviews.
Contact me at: [email protected] for professional work and collaborations.
Follow my IG @popit_purseit and discover how we play with our toys 🫶
Music: A Day in my Life by Raya
KIKAGOODS Nommi Loveliness Never Ends blindnox series personal purchase.
@popmart @popmart_us #momlife #momcollector #popmartmolly #mollychristmas #spacemolly #popmart l#popart #mollycollection #popitpurseit