Welcome back to The Unexplored Mojave, a series in which we explore locations in Fallout New Vegas that might be overlooked during a normal play through. We will try to uncover the stories and purpose of such locations. Today we start a long investigation across the entirety of the Mojave Wasteland to try and figure out what the heck is going on with its train system! For those that have played Fallout New Vegas, you have probably noticed a large railroad network around the map. However most players do not pay much attention to it (I know I never have). If you didn’t know, the Mojave railroad was utilized for some time by the NCR, specifically to transport materials and to make cement. So let’s see if there is any rhyme or reason to how Obsidian built this railway.
Episode 187
Here are the locations in the order they appear in the video:
Crescent Canyon: https://youtu.be/kOE9TCQbYCU?si=a4ezeCbnhreUYMhB
Nipton: https://youtu.be/vXKQA-H5HTg?si=KC51Cj6shW6D8x1P
Coyote Den: https://youtu.be/xjwrxkDkd_s?si=07lhb3Z45ESV0VUP
Powder Ganger Camps: https://youtu.be/DM92GE4yXxM?si=06pDt22RIrVt1M4S
NCR Correctional Facility: https://youtu.be/8PaJ-GYlOjQ?si=RKHuBCaOr4wgKmv1
Quarry Junction: https://youtu.be/tWUr4JqB_KI?si=F6SwqYfrS-Gjk4CT
Junction 15 Railway Station: https://youtu.be/sxMvtyJx7XY?si=7MQtX4isOoEZK5m9
REPCONN HQ: https://youtu.be/lbwJLKdguEI?si=ijcgxec4XufsF_3W
Follower’s Outpost: https://youtu.be/O1oBZogmGZQ?si=30OyngOturSt5X0S
Boulder City Train Station: https://youtu.be/MjNptFyRtTo?si=N2LcyeZXp2P1TfPZ
Boulder City: https://youtu.be/SIVTd2dPaQA?si=h5QbrNt7D_2qHlVx
Samson Rock Crushing Plant: https://youtu.be/t7t2GvBqpXA?si=uEZwuXpnnI7cx2zm
New Vegas Steel: https://youtu.be/n93epb_NwnA?si=GZEP_fjKG6-nKmXE
Freeside: https://youtu.be/sPrcugCb63o?si=2wQIqczp8uE53Rhk
H&H Tools: https://youtu.be/_mdvSD8pMPI?si=qXaMUI-FkK5J74Qu
Crimson Caravan Company: https://youtu.be/NFvIcCwBFEI?si=D7DyVIDga_wbbuOc
Nellis Air Force Base: https://youtu.be/U3sIdZJs6T0?si=1Sl7afdUy6uF78Xs
Train Tunnel: https://youtu.be/DXJjrzSzjhY?si=PGOiSA-NsfSzMbnO
Gypsum Train Yard: https://youtu.be/XrNgMl8z2WU?si=nV1K0AT-fTrFJs43
Callville Bay: https://youtu.be/ZvdXbmDyW5s?si=TPNM-qWNnj2xYUmw
Ranger Station Charlie: https://youtu.be/h44M-WcJdoI?si=ftn-3Xe8VwjLjj2j
Sealed Tunnel (Dead Wind Cavern): https://youtu.be/gpPLEqXw44A?si=JmP65ys9n04lK9V-
Gibson’s Shack: https://youtu.be/W-BeHv3BDj8?si=TfOSWxSDj2DXq0j9
El Dorado Dry Lake: https://youtu.be/_GL_EcOmhEU?si=e6zJmTW1Nr7gyrfo
Introduction - 0:00
Crescent Canyon - 0:58
Southern Sealed Tunnel - 1:36
Coyote Den - 2:25
Emergency Service Railyard - 2:50
Powder Ganger Territory - 3:37
Quarry Junction Platform - 6:05
Junction 15 Railway Station - 7:18
Eastern Route - 7:36
Northern Route - 10:22
Railroad Crossing - 11:42
Freeside - 12:17
Nellis Air Force Base - 13:40
Train Tunnel - 15:04
Gypsum Train Yard - 16:02
Callville Bay - 16:50
The End? - 17:15
Central Sealed Tunnel - 17:50
Unmarked Railroad - 18:24
Theory - 19:32
Closing - 21:12
Intro Music:
Title: Brett Van Donsel – Rattlesnake Railroad
Artist: Brett Van Donsel
Source:  / rattlesnake-railroad-aiff-for-creative-com...
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Promoted by Music Library: http://bit.ly/MusicLibraryYouTube