The unparalleled growth of Artificial Intelligence | Chatgpt
#artificialintelligence #chatgpt #machine #machinelearning
The promise of artificial intelligence (AI) has been around since World War II but it is only in the last decade or so that technology and engineering have gradually caught up with expectations. In fact, AI now seems to be on a winning streak. But before worrying about being taken over by robots, let’s get a clear understanding about what AI is? This video aims to provide a summary of information on historical, ethical, approaches, tools and applications surrounding AI, Open Ai, chatgpt, midjourney etc.
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00:00 - Stephen hawking and AI
03:33 - The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
04:15 - Why do we worry about AI?
05:35 - ChatGPT
07:12 - Paid Promo
08:25 - The rivalry between Microsoft and Google
11:32 - Google Ai BARD
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