In this video Chris Enlightened provides a free Usnisa Vijiya Dharani Mantra Mediation.
Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Mantra is an ancient Mahayana sutra from India. An alternate longer Sanskrit title is the Sarvadurgatiparisodhana Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra.
The purpose of this Mahayana sutra is said to be to help sentient beings in a tumultuous and troubled world.
This Mantra is known for Purifying All Evil Paths in life.
This sutra originated from a blessing given to a man named Devaputra Susthila. Devaputra now lives in one of the great Primordial Worlds of Heaven, because of his actions on Earth. After his death, Devaputra Susthila was destined to fall into the animal realm for 7 successive lives.
Following that, Devaputra would fall into hell to endure great sufferings. Only after he had undergone this punishment in hell would he be born as a human being again. Even then, Devaputra would be born in a disreputable and poor family. Additionally, he was then destined to be born without eyes for 700 successive lifetimes.
Before his death, He prayed to the Lord of Heaven for mercy. Out of compassion for Devaputra, the Amitabha Buddha gave him a great blessing. According to the legend, The Amida Buddha (“The Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Light”), together with more than 100 million other Buddhas, proclaimed this sutra for Devaputra.
Immediately, numerous rays of light radiated from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, illuminating the world in all 100 directions. Hence, Devaputra was completely liberated from falling into the paths of lower existence.
”Namo bhagavate trailokya prativiśiṣṭaya buddhaya bhagavate.
Tadyatha, om, visodhaya visodhaya, asama-sama
Samantavabhasa-spharaṇa gati gahana svabhava visuddhe,
Abhisincatu mam. sugata vara vacana amṛta abhisekai maha mantra-padai.
Ahara ahara ayuh saṃ-dharaṇi. śodhaya sodhaya gagana svabhava visuddhe.
Usnisa vijaya visuddhe sahasra-rasmi sam-codite.
Sarva tathagata aparimaṇe sat-paramita-paripuranni.
Sarva tathagata mati dasa-bhumi prati-sṭhite.
Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre.
Vajra kaya sam-hatana visuddhe.
Sarva avaraṇa apaya-durgati pari visuddhe, prati-nivartaya ayuh suddhe.
Samaya adhisṭhite. Maṇi mani maha mani.
Tathata bhuta-koṭi parisuddhe. Visphuta buddhi suddhe.
Jaya jaya, vijaya vijaya. sphara sphara, sarva buddha adhisṭhita suddhe,
Vajri vajra gadhe vajram bhavatu mama sariram.
Sarva sattvanam ca kaya pari visuddhe. Sarva gati parisuddhe.
Sarva tathagata sinca me samaavasayantu.
Sarva tathagata samasvasa adhisthite.
Budhya budhya, vibudhya vibudhya,
Bodhaya bodhaya, vibodhaya vibodhaya samanta parisuddhe.
Sarva tathagata hrdaya adhisṭhanadhisṭhita maha-mudre svaha.”
Chris Enlightened is an Amazon best-selling author of the book, "Poverty Consciousness", a spiritual adviser, Martial arts Instructor, inspirational speaker, certified numerologist and an authority on Altars. The premise of Thee Enlightened Journey is structured around providing Spiritual Growth and Guidance to all souls looking to grow spiritually.
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