At the edge of the Dead Mountains lies an enchanting, sparsely populated area – the inner Alm Valley. Especially in winter up to 120 half-grown ravens gather in the area around the wild animal park to steal food. This is the biggest permanent settlement of ravens in all of central Europe. They are blacker than night and smarter than parrots: ravens are capable of astonishing mental feats. How well does their bird’s brain really work? This documentary probes deep into the raven’s soul and follows his awkward flight around the entire globe.The film tells about the life and activities of the ravens. It tells about the observation of the Corpus Christi holiday and the magical "Echo Blowing" at Alm lake, about bringing the cattle down from the high lying pastures and about the hunt. About the idyllic research institute with all its residents – the students, the geese, chickens, dogs and sheep – and about Cumberland Wild Animal Park that inconspicuously and harmoniously hugs the shore of the Alm.