Celebrating Ten Years of Walfasing, every participant pulled out all the stops to make this collab special. Here's to the walfas community!
0:00 Intro/Disclaimer
0:45 Main Runner
2:25 KrackoKrag
3:05 TNHo
4:34 ItzMario33
7:09 Bellkitsu
7:37 ORT451
8:10 J Lever
8:28 JaphethMario21st
8:44 CastleToastM
11:07 StubbornVirus
11:41 ShinyRaichu94
11:55 Main Runner pt 2
13:40 TNHo pt 2
15:42 Makise-Homura
17:05 Genso Wanderer
18:22 ItzMario33 pt 2
21:53 Cryotic762
22:43 ORT451 (2)
23:26 TNHo pt 3
25:42 Main Runner pt 3
27:33 KrakoKrag (2)
29:39 Suwawako
30:00 Cryotic762 (2)
31:03 ItzMario33 pt 3
32:38 TNHo pt 3
34:04 Genso Wanderer pt 2
35:43 Discordel
36:13 Mr. Midian
36:43 JaphethMario21st
37:13 Main Runner pt 4
39:03 Credits