Wallace & Gromit is a British created stop motion franchise created by Nick Park and produced by the goats down at Aardman Animations, and is also a very big franchise of my childhood that contributed to my continued enjoyment of the stop motion medium as a whole. Because of that I dedicate this Iceberg to the many fans of Wallace & Gromit, as well as the two cheesy bastards themselves…so kick back with some tea and lock in, because it’s time to take a cracking dive into the Wallace & Gromit Iceberg!
0:00 - Intro (hi guys)
1:32 - LAYER 1
17:06 - LAYER 2
30:10 - LAYER 3
35:11 - LAYER 4
38:56 - LAYER 5
40:40 - LAYER 6
42:15 - Outro (bye guys)
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INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/isaactings/
ICEBERG IMAGE ► https://www.reddit.com/r/IcebergCharts/comments/lna42x/wallace_and_gromit_iceberg/
WaluigiBubsyPlok (the iceberg image creator)
Reddit ► https://www.reddit.com/user/WaluigiBubsyPlok/
Random Numbers (The Right Trousers Topic homie)
YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/@Random_Numbers7
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Random_numbers7
The Wallace & Gromit Fandom Wiki ►
☕ Other Sources:
Some Boi Online ► https://www.youtube.com/@SomeBoiOnline
HourofPoop (Star Wars Crossover Memes)► https://www.youtube.com/@HourofPoop
The Quest For Cheese ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_LWodDWPGQ
The Quest For Cheese ANIMATED ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tobCRVxf3Uo
Nightmare Eyes ► https://grrlofswirls.tumblr.com
Wallace Autism Tumblr Post ► https://grrlofswirls.tumblr.com/post/134590246136/wallace-is-autistic
Melody Nosurname ._.
Long Live the Ting...
#wallaceandgromit #icebergchart #Wallaceandgromiticberg #icebergexplained #aardman