En 2019 tuvimos la fortuna de abrir la 22 edición del festival con la presentación por The Waterboys de su entonces recientísimo álbum “Where the action is”. Un gran concierto en el que esta prestigiosa banda dejó constancia de su grandeza y de la riqueza musical que ha atesorado durante sus cuarenta años de vida.
Referencia incontestable en el mundo del folk y en el del rock, y con varios álbumes considerados clásicos del rock como “This is the Sea”, “Fisherman’s blues”, “Room to roam” o “Out of all this blue”, The Waterboys, liderados por el carismático músico escocés Mike Scott, presentarán en su regreso a Jazz San Javier su último álbum “All Souls Hill” y una escogida selección de los mejores temas de su larga carrera.
Mike Scott: guitarra y voz.
Paul Brown: piano y teclados.
Aongus Ralston: bajo.
James Hallawell: teclados.
Eamon Ferris: batería.
In 2019 we were fortunate to open the 22nd edition of the festival with the presentation by The Waterboys of their then very recent album “Where the action is”. A great concert in which this prestigious band recorded its greatness and the musical wealth that it has treasured during its forty years of life.
An indisputable reference in the world of folk and rock, and with several albums considered rock classics such as "This is the Sea", "Fisherman's blues", "Room to roam" or "Out of all this blue", The Waterboys , led by the charismatic Scottish musician Mike Scott, will present his latest album “All Souls Hill” and a select selection of the best songs from his long career on his return to Jazz San Javier.
Mike Scott: gutar and singer.
Paul Brown: piano and keyboards.
Aongus Ralston: bass.
James Hallawell: keyboards.
Eamon Ferris: drums.