2 species of waxwing occur in Japan; Bohemian Waxwing and the northeast Asian endemic Japanese Waxwing. Here I show some video and photos of the 2 species taken in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan. I also explain how to tell them apart.
I mistakenly used the word 'breast' instead of 'belly' twice in this video. Oops...
#japanesewaxwing #waxwing #birdphotography #hokkaidobirding #hakodatebirding
#バードウォッチング #レンジャク
00:00 – Intro
01:14 – Last Winter
02:34 – 5 winters ago
04:17 – Telling the 2 species apart
05:09 – Waxwing photos over the years