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הרב יוסף מזרחי הערוץ הרשמי
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0:00:37 Lecture series of the Rabbi:
0:02:30 R. Moshe Chaim Luzzatto
0:04:44 INTRODUCTION: right order, clear mind
0:07:20 all we can do is to learn the general rules
0:08:53 the 4 sections of this book
0:09:55 knowing vs believing
0:12:31 bli neder - without making a vow
0:13:22 WHO IS GOD?
0:17:08 difference between t Jewish nation and others
0:19:06 millions of eyewitnesses vs a single man witnes;
0:23:12 what cht.ians and muslims say about Judaism?
0:29:15 what's t difference between material and spiritual?
0:33:24 WHAT IS A SOUL?
0:34:51 Life after death - film by Rabbi Y. Mizrachi
0:42:17 how did t Jews confirm the truth of Torah?
0:43:56 OPEN MIRACLE in our times - Sukkoth, Kotel
0:47:14 OPEN MIRACLE in our times - Scud missiles, gas station
0:50:07 OPEN MIRACLE: September 11, Israeli company
0:51:59 who operates the universe? who moves the atoms?
0:57:06 nothing can effect Hashem's perfectness
1:05:53 why does t Earth keep expanding?
1:07:31 Hashem is beyond t understanding of humans;
1:10:50 root of confusion of t heretics - analysed and explained
1:16:30 how Abraham came to his conclusion re God?
1:25:48 what's the way to receive from God's greatness?
1:29:27 phone charger - how much will you receive and how fast?
1:33:09 constant happiness vs fake replacements
1:35:38 who receives black bitterness, spiritual darkness?
1:45:55 why benefits must be earned in our world?
1:50:39 monsters admire murderers due to lack of shame
1:54:50 pretend-religious gay snake in israeli lefty media
1:57:24 what awaits gay-supporters in the afterlife?
2:00:30 how to eliminate one's gay attraction?
2:03:59 what gays do instead of fixing their problem?
2:06:00 why should we fix our weaknesses?
2:07:22 disadvantage of one's narrow bandwidth
2:08:46 when only 1 wire works from the 8
2:10:34 what makes one similar to God or to the devil?
2:13:07 negative doesn't have its own existence
2:16:09 one who confuses his tools with himself
2:18:10 how millionaires can lose their wealth?
2:20:27 the stingy who sends his son to public school
2:26:47 how is it BEST TO STUDY this book/lecture?