When a player is unhappy about his contract situation and holds out, it usually ends one of two ways. Either the two sides come to an agreement and work something out, or the team decides to part ways with the player, either by trading him or cutting him. However, in 1985, the New York Giants took the bizarre approach of doing both, giving wide receiver Earnest Gray a multi-year contract extension after he held out... only to cut him immediately after. This is the story behind that situation
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Earnest Gray played for the following teams:
1979 Giants
1980 Giants
1981 Giants
1982 Giants
1983 Giants
1984 Giants
1985 Giants
1985 Cardinals
Members of the 1985 New York Giants:
Eric Schubert
Sean Landeta
Ali Haji-Sheikh
Phil Simms
Jess Atkinson
Jeff Hostetler
Jeff Rutledge
Joe Morris
Ted Watts
Lee Rouson
Perry Williams
Rob Carpenter
Herb Welch
Bill Currier
Tony Galbreath
George Adams
Elvis Patterson
Mark Haynes
Larry Flowers
Tyrone Davis
Terry Kinard
Maurice Carthon
Kenny Hill
Robbie Jones
Harry Carson
Andy Headen
Gary Reasons
Lawrence Taylor
Byron Hunt
Carl Banks
Brad Benson
Chris Godfrey
Conrad Goode
Karl Nelson
Jim Burt
Bart Oates
Billy Ard
David Jordan
Leonard Marshall
Casey Merrill
Gordon King
George Martin
Curtis McGriff
Jerome Sally
Dee Hardison
Phil McConkey
Stacy Robinson
Vyto Kab
Don Hasselbeck
Lionel Manuel
Byron Williams
Bobby Johnson
Mark Bavaro
Bill Parcells (head coach)
George Young (general manager)