A 1961 feature drama film based on the novel of the same name by Panas Mirny "The Whore" (1883). The last work of the famous Ukrainian director Ivan Kavaleridze. The fourth major role of Lyudmila Gurchenko after the film "Carnival Night". The film was shot on black and white film.
A story about the tragic fate of a Ukrainian girl from the village of Kristina (the role of Lyudmila Gurchenko). Her father, returning from the city, where he went to get money to pay taxes, freezes on the way (it is winter). Kristina fell in love with the son of a local rich man. By hypocrisy and deception, the rich man took Kristina out of the village and leased her to his friend, the merchant Zagnibide, who lived in the city. He, carried away by Kristina, kills his wife, and the girl, having slipped fifty rubles for silence, sends her back to the village. Soon Kristina is accused of complicity in the murder. Although her guilt was not proven, all attempts to find a job were in vain. Meanwhile, her mother dies. Soon, at the market, Christina meets her fellow countrywoman, Marina, who had started working in the city for hire even earlier. There, at the same market, Christina is hired as a maid by Anton Petrovich Rubets. In the house of the new owner, she falls in love with a lodger who seduces her. Having caught Christia leaving the lodger's room at night, the landlady, also the lodger's lover, shamefully throws Christina out of the house, and the lodger is completely indifferent to Christina's fate. After this, the whole city learns about Christina's disgrace, and she cannot get a job in any house. The unfortunate woman's refuge became the cafe "Shantan", where, devastated and deprived of meaning in life, Christina, together with her equally destitute friend Marina, entertained the public indifferent to her fate. One of the café visitors persuades her to go to his estate, where Christina lives quite happily for some time, until "daddy" offers her to sleep with a general who can help in a lawsuit against this landowner. Indignant and angry, Khristya runs away from him, without taking any of his gifts. In the end, Khristya wanders around the city in a drunken haze. Having met her friend Marina, who drags her into a pub, she decides to go home to the village. Khristya is no longer herself: misfortune and the cruelty of people have blown up her mental health. It is winter outside. Khristya reaches her village at night. A snowstorm is raging. She knocks on one of the huts, asking to let her in for the night, not to let her freeze on the street. This is the house of the same rich man who deceived him into becoming a farm laborer from the very beginning. Khristya is not let in, and she freezes to death. Film crew:
Script: Nadezhda Kapelgorodskaya;
Director: Ivan Kavaleridze;
Director of photography: Vladimir Voitenko;
Production designer: Nikolai Reznik;
Directors: M. Afanasyeva, L.A. Leshenko, M. Mashchenko;
Composer: Boris Lyatoshinsky.
Lyudmila Gurchenko as Kristina;
Margarita Gladunko as Marina, Khristi's fellow villager living in the city;
Nikolai Kozlenko as Luka Fedorovich Dovbnya; a drunkard violinist in love with Marina;
Vasily Vekshin as Grigory Petrovich Protsenko, a lodger of Kristina's other owners in the city;
Nikolai Pishvanov as Gritsko Supruzhenko;
Pavel Shkreb as Kolesnik;
Stepan Shkurat as Kirill, a servant at Kolesnik's estate;
Georgy Babenko — Anton Petrovich Rubets, Khristi's second master;
n. Markina — Pistina Ivanovna, Khristi's second mistress, Rubets's wife;
Alexander Gumburg — Knysh;
Petr Mikhnevich — Petr Lukich Zagnibeda, a former village clerk living in the city and engaged in commerce;
Vera Rodionova — Priska;
Anna Nikolaeva — Maria Ivanovna, a cook-servant of Khristi's other masters;
Leonid Danchishin — Fedor, Khristi's favorite in the village, the son of a wealthy peasant;
Lyudmila Tatyanchuk — Gorpina.
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#PanasMyrny #IvanKavaleridze #LyudmylaGurchenko