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What is the difference between leadership and manipulation?
Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are taking a look at group dynamics in Galaxy Quest. They’re talking about how the actors turned heroes work through frustration, insecurity, and ego and ultimately learn to be humble and accountable. Jonathan explains how “manipulation” in therapy, filmmaking, and life is used for good, and Alan talks about the brilliant cast and crew behind what he thinks is the best Star Trek movie.
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Cinema Therapy is:
Written by: Megan Seawright, Jonathan Decker, and Alan Seawright
Produced by: Jonathan Decker, Megan Seawright, Alan Seawright, and Corinne Demyanovich
Edited by: Trevor Horton, https://tzhediting.com
Director of Photography: Bradley Olsen
English Transcription by: Anna Preis
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