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French Tanks in War Thunder are some of the worst vehicles in the game. The good news is that if you can stomach the low tier tanks, there is a HUGE reward waiting for you at Battle Rating 7.7!
France 7.7 contains some absolute bangers such as the Somua SM, the Lorraine 40t, The AMX-50 TOA100, The Surbaisse and the AMX-13-90! All of these vehicles are very strong in their respective categories.
With most having some sort of fast autoloader to make up for the fact they fire solid shot, they're excellent at dealing with multiple opponents at a time and very rewarding for aggressive players who know their maps and enemies weaknesses.
So, today I'm bringing a WHOLE lineup of French Tanks to some battles and show you just how potent France can be in War Thunder! :)
-----SUPPORT ME-----
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Business Email: oddbaw01@gmail.com
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