I felt that the "little flame that has come from nowhere" should be a part of it visually (appearing to come and go, but we know better right? 🔥😉❤️). So, visually it has changed; audibly it has not. I combined a visual aesthetic of photos, and a side-by-side presentation of video footage of him and "the little flame".
Huge shout out 🤜🤛 to @jazzviewer for requesting more, as I had it in the works but it was perfect timing for me to do it when I did. I will be working on more Thich Nhat Hanh creations soon. If you have any favorites that you'd like me to do, please let me know!
Please note that this is NOT encompassing the full video; I stopped editing at about the hour and a half mark on the original almost 2 hour video for various editing reasons. And I felt it to be a perfect stopping point in terms of his teaching coming across in a clear and complete way by that point.
I hope I got it all. A couple of instances it was so buried behind his words so I chose to just leave it alone, but besides that if I did miss a cough or two, I apologize. Just as before, I made sure to edit it so that everything left in gets his teaching across with clarity, and that everything taken out had no impact on the same.
Enjoy! 😊 ❤️
NOTE: The intent of sharing this video is solely for the purpose of providing curated and meticulously edited versions of unintentional, meditative ASMR videos that are not available anywhere else on YouTube (that I could find after exhaustive searches). The videos have been edted from their original formats for this purpose.
Video Source:
All images of Thich Nhat Hanh are creative commons images and the following is a link to the creator and the creative commons license: