*Buy the Book* https://www.amazon.co.uk/Things-They-are-Metaphysical-Classification/dp/9948860748/ref=sr_1_1?crid=WW8Z6SLOGA00&keywords=Hasan+Spiker&qid=1649206421&sprefix=hasan+spike%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-1 *Free PDF* https://www.tabahresear.ch/things-in-themselves-nafs-al-amr-the-metaphysical-foundations-of-objective-truth/#more-267
Launch event for Classification of the Sciences project :
Hasan Spiker presents some aspects of the first part of his book Things As They Are to an audience at ISAR in Istanbul, March 2022.
Spiker's research and writing for Things As They Are, a major new work in the foundations of metaphysics, seven years in the making, was funded by Tabah Research as part of its 'Classification of the Sciences' series. The work is available here: