Embark on an epic musical odyssey with Galactic Groove – a captivating 60-minute exploration of rich, analog funk soundscapes, echoing the timeless grooves of the 1970s.
Galactic Grooves: Vintage funk infused with space-age flair;
Analog Perfection: Warm, tape-saturated authenticity;
Full 1-Hour Experience: A seamless journey through endless rhythm.
#RetroFunk #AnalogGrooves #SpaceMix
Track List:
00:00 - Galactic Groove Patrol
02:17 - Starlight Strut
04:40 - Cosmic Cassette Dreams
06:26- Orbit Funk Express
08:10 - Neon Nebula Nights
09:40 - Astro Boogie Bounce
13:24 - Venus Vinyl Vibes
16:20 - Rocket Ride Rendezvous
18:55 - Martian Midnight Moves
22:35 - Saturn Swing Syndicate
25:59 - Eclipse Electric Jam
27:17 - Meteor Funk Machine
31:17 - Stellar Synth Safari