Bonjour à tous, with the renovations moving on with the next guest suite, it was never going to be to long before Terry got one of the chandeliers out of storage and what a Chandelier it is 😮 its the larges one yet.
Check out the amazing paint we use by Autentico at, for the GB sale
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And If you would like to join us on our family journey restoring this once abandoned château, then please just follow the link below, 🥰
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🏰 Château de Lalacelle
95 le château
About us,
We are a family from the North-East of England following our dream to restore a beautiful abandoned french Château. We discovered the heart stopping Château De Lalacelle in summer of 2020, this beautiful architectural monument Is set in the countryside of North-West France.
The moment we visited the Château we all fell in love, from the beautiful sweeping landscape and forests, to its stunning untouched interiors and magnificent spiral staircase in the turret.
Unfortunately Château De Lalacelle has been abandoned for a number of decades so will need a lot of restoration and DIY.
Please subscribe and follow our families journey, with the up’s and down’s in moving from the UK and Escape to rural France to restore this beautiful building to its former glory.
#diy #renovation #chateau #homeimprovement #interiordesign #restoration