Heyyy Melodies, welcome back to my BTOB Album Journey! Today we're checking out their 9th EP 'New Men', which I was super excited for! How do you feel about it?
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~★~★~More content~★~★~
Twitter: https://twitter.com/toastedphoenix_
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Since I'm from Germany and English isn't my native language I might struggle to find the right words or do some grammatical errors from time to time. Doing these videos helps me a lot to learn and improve, so I hope you can still enjoy my videos :)
~★~★~Original Videos~★~★~
New Men: https://youtu.be/zmxO32bfQys
Love Drunk (취해): https://youtu.be/RmbE_ukHNvA
I'm Bored (무료해 (콕 To Me)): https://youtu.be/4cwUYWK0xmM
Yes I Am: https://youtu.be/6nsqlrcSpso
Come On Over (놀러와): https://youtu.be/BkCZ8o0HQHA
Yejiapsa (예지앞사): https://youtu.be/HC7F844Wao4
00:00 Announcement
01:15 Intro
02:47 Concept Pictures
03:48 Peniel
04:35 New Men
09:48 Love Drunk
15:08 I'm Bored
20:41 Yes I Am
29:56 Come On Over
35:30 Yejiapsa
43:55 BTOB & Melody's relationship
46:25 Final Thoughts + Album Ranking
47:45 Outro