Harry Shaw shares the incredible move that helped him hit the longest drives of his life, and more importantly, shows you how to apply it to your own game!
While Harry can’t promise instant results, he can promise that with consistency and the step by step guide in this video, you’ll see dramatic improvements in both distance and accuracy.
00:00 Intro
00:47 Stage One: Building The Club Speed
09:42 Stage Two: Controlling The Speed
12:42 Stage Three: Controlling The Ball Flight
My Links 👉 https://linktr.ee/HarryShawGolf
My Course Management Guide 👉 https://harryshawgolf.kit.com/products/thecourseguide
Use Code: harry5 for 5% off The HackMotion Sensor 👉 https://hackmotion.com/harryshaw
Use Code: HARRY20 for $20 off Precision Impact 👉https://pureswingproducts.com/HarryShaw
Use Code: HARRY10 for 10% off GX Golf Gloves 👉 https://www.gxgolfgloves.com/
Use Code: SHAW5 for 5% off Golf Swing Systems 👉 https://www.golfswingsystems.co.uk/
Online Lessons 👉 https://skillest.com/coach/harry-shaw
In-Person Lessons 👉 https://www.thegolfprojx.com/golf_simulator/golf-lessons-with-harry-shaw/
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