everyone knows how to say no, but many of you are not letting yourself do it because you're afraid of both what will happen and what it will mean about you if you don't. Having healthy boundaries can be tricky - especially if we've been socialized to always please and appease others, but when we do, we often end up feeling terrible. Here I'll teach you how to set and keep your boundaries.
Get my free list of 25 HEALTHY WAYS TO SAY NO: https://courses.juliakristina.com/25-Ways-To-Say-No
Learn to communicate CONFIDENTLY & CLEARLY: https://courses.juliakristina.com/speak-and-feel-heard
Learn how to set ROCK SOLID BOUNDARIES without hesitation: : https://courses.juliakristina.com/hbb-0803
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SHIFT SOCIETY waitlist: https://courses.juliakristina.com/pl/163945
#boundaries #cbtstrategies #codependence