There are more questions than answers on the #panthers roster right now, so Demetri and Lauren want to know where all the money the team needs to do everything it says it needs to will come from.
05:05 Comfortable drafting a guy without great stats?
08:31 Every team is convinced they can unlock a guy
10:16 Making plays vs. racking up stats
12:53 #Panthers will be “aggressive” in #freeagency
14:11 Free agency = draft flexibility
16:49 What’s the plan for #DerrickBrown?
20:00 Demetri is uncomfortable with #ZachBaun
30:11 Can the #panthers afford their own free agents?
33:16 Do you draft a DB?
35:36 A kicker…and a punter?
40:18 #DavidTepper is still league’s 2nd worst owner