Hey there!
WOW. what a chonky boi.
natlan's great! i'm so glad it's finally here, and AS YOU CAN SEE, IT HAS A LOT OF NEW STUFF / MECHANICS - this is the BIGGEST edited project I think I've ever done, it took SO long (and is why I had to delay it until today, it obv was supposed to go online last saturday)
if you don't mind, I try to not ask too much but if you enjoyed, please like/comment on this one c: it would mean a LOT, I'm pretty exhausted, making thumbnail rn kachina is looking cute eheh
next video might be either next wednesday OR just back to saturday, the normal schedule!! we'll see, it's most likely kachina building! - maybe the primos i scrapped together will be enough for kinich? i might have to skip.. this early into the new region.. feels pretty bad :( i want to guarantee archon and REALLY like chasca though.. AHHHH we'll see
hope you enjoy!! ❤
twitty: https://twitter.com/rednasyo
disco: https://discord.gg/rednas
twish: https://twitch.tv/rednasyo (livestream)
timtom: https://www.tiktok.com/@rednasyo
Have a great day! (✿ ◕‿◕)
thx 4 watchin
thx even more for subbin
and the most thx for sharin