Hello all, thank you all for being so patient (or impatient and putting so much pressure on me, it made me f**k up the premiere of Percy's episode last time out so thanks for that(!)) and here's ep 4 and this one feature a new character for the series in Alfred (98462) and Aaron wanted me to point out that the Alfred leaving early seen is inspired from WildNorWester's Andreas episodes.
After James' accident, Neville has to do James' jobs until another engine was found. However when it was found, it turned out to be the "rebuilt" 98462 (Alfred). Thomas tried to play a trick on him which soon backfired, now Alfred has became bigger bully then he had been years and has stolen Annie and Clarabel from Thomas as revenge! Will Thomas be able to save his faithful coaches from an unstoppable runaway?
Voiced by
Alexander Seib: Narrator
Aaron Maza: TFC
RosietheCutie1995: Rosie, Annie & Clarabel
Micklenden2: Gordon & Henry
Enterprisingengine93: Stepney & Edward
Tommy Bauer: Duck
SamtheThomasFan2: Neville
LFonTV: Brian & Dylan
TankEngine97: Joseph
TankEngine97 & Andrew Leago: Alfred (98462)
Daniel Alsop: Thomas, James & Dudley
NOTE: The reason why Alfred's got 2 voices is because I f***ed up this time, I had to get some back up just in case and both lines came during the weekend, so I mixed the voices in this one, sorry guys, I didn't mean to, I know I f**ked up, it's just been a tough start of the year so far....